

  • 英会話レッスン ○
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Hello, My name is Mr. Dixon. I was born in California, USA and have lived in many places, mostly in the west part of the USA. I have also lived on a small island in the South Pacific, and have lived in Japan for over 20 years. 2 years in Nagano, Matsumoto, about 10 years in Kawasaki and the last 11 years in Tokyo. My work history is very interesting. I started my first part-time job when I was about 14 years old at a gas station. I have worked construction, restaurant services, driving, management and a silicon valley company as well as other jobs, but most important has always been music. I play classical music and love it very much. I also like Jazz and some of the older Rock, mostly from the 1970’s. I also like most outdoor activities such as light hiking, swimming, bicycling, dog-walking and such. Listening to music, reading books on various topics especially Astronomy and physics as well a history. And OF COURSE!!!! I love teaching. I started teaching in my High School days. (music lessons) and have taught music and English ever since. I believe I have a good way of teaching based on what each student needs. I try to help each student reach their potential. I hope that I can help you reach your goals in English. I would love to hear your ideas on any subject and would like to help you explain your opinions in a clear and concise way. Yoroshiku!

米国カリフォルニア出身のディクソンです。私は南太平洋の島や日本の東北地方などでも暮らしたことがあります。東京にこのところ11年程住んでいます。私は14歳からのアルバイト、建設業、レストラン、シリコンバレーの会社など様々な職歴をもっていますがどの期間でも音楽が一番重要な仕事です。 私自身はクラシック音楽を演奏しとても好きです、その他ジャズや70年代のロックミュージックなども好きです。またハイキング、スイミング、自転車や犬の散歩などのアウトドアも好きです。音楽を聴いたり読書したり、特に天文学や物理学、歴史も同様に興味があります。 勿論教えることは大好きです。高校時代から音楽や英語を教えてきました。学生のニーズに合わせお一人お一人が潜在能力を十全に発揮されるようお手伝いさせて頂きます。 皆様が英語力の目標に到達できますようにお手伝い致します。またどのような話題についてもご自分の意見を明瞭完結に説明出来るようにお手伝いしたいです。宜しくお願いします。
