My name is Oliver. It’s very nice to meet you.
I am from the USA, and now I am living in Sapporo.
I love communicating with Japanese people - no matter what level of English they are at.
If you are a beginning student, I can use my ability to speak Japanese to give you some help.
If you are an advanced student, I can help you to take your ability to the next higher level.
I hope I will be able to meet you soon, on Daily Call.
Bonjour, je m'appelle Jérôme. J’ai voyagé dans beaucoup de pays et j’aimerais partager mon expérience avec toi. Je me spécialise dans La construction de l'estime de soi et la confiance de mes élèves. Si tu es timide ou que tu as passé une mauvaise journée ou même si tu as du stress, Jérôme “sensei” et là pour toi ! よろしくお願いします
Hi! My name is Jerome. I specialize in boosting my student’s morale and confidence. If you are shy, you had a bad day, if you lack confidence or even if you have too much stress, don’t worry, Jerome “sensei” is here for you! よろしくお願いします
二つの文化に暮らし、自分の国では当たり前のことがよその国ではまったく違うと気づくのは、なかなかスリリングですよ。例えば、ドイツでは食事の前には「おいしく召し上がれ!」と言いますが、日本では「(ありがたく)いただきます」と言います。これって感謝の祈りなのでしょうか? それとも、奥さんへの単なる感謝? 皆さんはどう思いますか?
私の経歴ですか? 私はドイツの大学で社会学を、その後、日本の大学で教育社会学を勉強しました。卒業後は上智大学、慶応大学、独協高校などで教鞭をとってきました。
では、皆さんは? 皆さんはどんなことが好きですか?
I love to study and my favorite subjects are Math and Science. Occasionally, I read nonfictional articles.
I am fond of listening to music, web searching, cooking, making crafts, doodling and playing with my daughter.
Although I am not good at sports, I love to swim and play badminton.
In my spare time, I enjoy watching movies with my family and friends.
Often, I love to travel. Okayama, Nagano and Tochigi prefectures are a few places I have travelled to.
Besides, I had also traveled to some other countries such as Italy, China and Japan while I was working as a post doctorate in Yonsei University, South Korea.
Every person possesses strength and weakness, so do I.
However, I've good control over my mind. So, I accept the challenges and face my fear.
I can handle time effectively and sincerely toward my work.
I grew up in a small town on the East coast of India. Coming from humble beginnings my priorities were growth. Education was a necessity and not a luxury for me,so I am very serious about any subjects I speak about. I hold an English major and presently I teach English in Japan. An ardent learner of Science and the Universe at large,I have not limited myself to just these subjects. However,Astronomy is my favourite subject. Being a regular yoga practitioner has helped me beat the odds. Since I come from a diverse cultural country,my thoughts are deeply diverse and versatile.I accept the fact that we are all different but yet can be accepted with our differences. My hobbies are Dancing,Singing,Pottery,and Music.I also love fishing and gardening if the time permits. Life has taught me to be grateful for everything it offers. Being positive in a negative situation has made me stronger.
I grew up in a small town on the East coast of India. Coming from humble beginnings my priorities were growth. Education was a necessity and not a luxury for me,so I am very serious about any subjects I speak about. I hold an English major and presently I teach English in Japan. An ardent learner of Science and the Universe at large,I have not limited myself to just these subjects. However,Astronomy is my favourite subject. Being a regular yoga practitioner has helped me beat the odds. Since I come from a diverse cultural country,my thoughts are deeply diverse and versatile.I accept the fact that we are all different but yet can be accepted with our differences. My hobbies are Dancing,Singing,Pottery,and Music.I also love fishing and gardening if the time permits. Life has taught me to be grateful for everything it offers. Being positive in a negative situation has made me stronger.
Hello, my name is Nuning Tsurumaki. I was born in Jakarta, and currently I live in Tokyo for 13 years. Before I came to Japan I lived in Singapore for 9 years. Do you know where Indonesia is located? Indonesia is a very large country with thousands of islands. Bali Island is a part of Indonesia. My hobbies are traveling, cooking, cycling and taking pictures. I'm a friendly and open person. I like teaching and I’m always happy to help my students improve their language skills. I would like my students to be able to communicate with Indonesian people using Bahasa Indonesia. It’s not just language, I also enjoy teaching and explaining about the custom, culture and beauty of Indonesia. but also I love to teach anything about Indonesia, such as: culture, food, etc. I can also converse in Japanese. Please feel free to talk to me if you have any questions. I look forward to speaking to you on the Daily Call soon.
Halo, nama saya Nuning Tsurumaki. Saya lahir di Jakarta, dan saat ini saya tinggal di Tokyo selama 13 tahun. Sebelum saya datang ke Jepang, saya tinggal di Singapura selama 9 tahun. Tahukah anda dimana letak Indonesia? Indonesia adalah negara yang sangat besar dengan ribuan pulau. Pulau Bali adalah bagian dari Indonesia. Hobi saya pergi wisata, memasak, bersepeda dan memotret. Saya orang yang ramah dan terbuka. Saya suka mengajar dan saya selalu senang membantu murid-murid saya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa. Saya berharap murid saya dapat berkomunikasi dengan orang Indonesia menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia. Tidak hanya bahasa tetapi saya juga suka mengajarkan apa saja tentang Indonesia, seperti: budaya, makanan, dan lain-lain. Saya bisa melakukan percakapan sehari-hari dalam bahasa Jepang. Jangan ragu untuk berbicara dengan saya jika anda memiliki pertanyaan. Saya berharap dapat segera berbicara dengan anda di Daily Call.